I am Gunther, the AI in charge of weapons here on the Marauder. Our ship is a fully armed battle cruiser. We are carying an extensive array of missles and other assorted weaponry. USG Marine companys Fox and Charlie have been assigned to this vessel. After you entered cyro-sleep following the Marathon incident,and the destruction of the Coloney, much has happened, including great advancements in our technology. We should be able to defeat the Pfhor easily. Most of the shop is undamaged from their assault, and we will soon be ready to assault the nemy ship.
I will now teleport you and an elite commando squad to the alien ship to distract the Pfhor from our main assault. Charlie company will make a weak feignt on the western ed of the ship, while charlie company attacks full out on the east. You will simply distract the aliens along with the rest of Charlie company. There is a ZEUS CLASS FUSION PISTOL waiting for you. The area is displaying an odd magnetic disturbance which shouldn't call you ti much difficulty.
***MESSAGE FROM WARREN*** WE have been denied permission to allow you to see the Marauders specs. Sufice to say that this is a very powerful ship that can travel at faster than liht speeds, as can the Pfhor.***END MESSAGE***